I’m Not One For Cleaning, Really

I came home with so much promise…

I am working on “Margo and the Universe” tonight and I really wanted to get home and get a bit of cleaning done first. I really did. So, I gathered my laundry and headed downstairs to the washer dryer in my building.

Someone was already doing laundry. I patiently waited for the washer to free up, forgot for 45mins, and ran back down hoping that a) my panties and bras had not been stolen and b) that I could still do my laundry before I had to be on set.

The other persons laundry was still in there. So I thought, ‘well, I will just switch it to the dryer if it’s not underwear.’ And I opened the lid.

They were bleaching their whites. Now, I ask you, who bleaches things in a public washer? Who?!? This annoys me to no end. If you need to bleach things, do it in a private machine or in your bathtub, like a civilized person. Ugh.

I have ruined so many outfits because the person before me in this building has bleached something and left bleach in the washer. I really don’t know if this bothers other people, but I can’t afford new clothes and I really only wear black. And I mean no offense to those of you who bleach things willy nilly, but maybe consider doing them in your bathtub (or color safe bleach).

Anyway, I was so discouraged that I brought my laundry up to my apartment once again and opened a Hopsecutioner and ate my leftovers from lunch.

Oh well… My dishes have gone undone for weeks, they can last a bit longer. I will just get creative tomorrow in my outfit choices.

Birthday Biking, Beers, and BBQ

Today is my birthday!

I paid some birthday bills and went for a glorious birthday bike ride today.

I am trying to transition into commuting entirely by bike. It is something I have wanted to do for a while. I finally bought a bike last month and it has been really hard. Atlanta is hilly and I am terrified of cars. I am not very good at riding a bike. I feel like I will get better.

But I am not very good at sticking with things when I am not immediately good at them.

I am working on my first birthday beer of the day. I’m allowed. It’s 5:02 PM. And we will pretend like I’m not halfway done with it.

Last night I went out with my family for dinner and drinks. It was nice. We went to Escorpion, one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. It was a good end to a badish day. I had all the cheese and so much steak.

I went house hunting yesterday with some friends. We are looking for a place to rent and be awesome. The first place, this cute two-story, rented an hour before the showing. The second place, down the street from the first, was hideous and disgusting inside. The current tenants have destroyed the house. There was dog pee everywhere and scratch marks on all the doors from the dogs, mold in the bathrooms, and was tiny. I hope the blue and pink haired gutter punks who loved it because Mastodon apparently lives down the street are happy there. But I am an adult who refuses to live in squalor, no matter what metal band is my neighbor.

But the birthday shot last night and my mezcal drink made everything better.

birthday shotTonight, I am going to Fox Brother’s BBQ with some of my best friends from college and then out to a bar for drinks with all my friends. I am excited about it. Mostly excited about the bbq. It is amazing. I cannot wait to have it in my mouth.

I told my friends the words “cheat”, “diet”, and “calorie” are banned at dinner. Censorship at it’s finest, my dears.

I really hate when people go out and all they talk about it how “bad” they are being for eating. I don’t like to think so food as a treat. Food is necessary for life and I really enjoy eating whatever I want. One day, my metabolism is going to give up and I will be the size of a house if I don’t start considering what I eat. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I’m lucky that I like vegetables, and c’mon even I decide to have a salad instead of fried chicken every now and then. But seriously, I hate when people feel bad about eating what they want. Like one brownie is really going to make you gain fifty pounds. I feel so awkward eating a million pounds of meat and fried things when all my friends order a salad with dressing on the side while they talk about how they need to “earn” dessert by running a million miles.

While we are on the topic, I hate the phrase “beach body”. I will just wear my one piece bathing suit while I eat a hot dog and a funnel cake, thanks.

Anyway, I am going to drink all the beers and eat all the fried okra tonight and I don’t give two fucks how many calories I am ingesting. It’s my birthday, dammit.


PS: I scattered some profanity in there towards the end. Got heated. Maybe I will slow down on this beer. Psssshhhh… Nevermind.

My Pretty Woman Moment

Tonight, I felt like Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman”…

A friend of mine just graduated from college and invited a bunch of us out for dinner and to paint pottery after. I decided just to go get dinner and drinks to save money. I got all cute and was really excited to wear my new shoes.

Little did I know, this place was a linen napkin, three course, $25 per plate kind of place. I was wearing a crop top and leggings.

I strutted my shit while people stared. Whatever, my belly button is cute. I had a “half glass” of wine (a sip of wine) -that was very close to becoming vinegar but I didn’t want to say anything- for $9 and followed that up with a cheap bear and some free bread. I will take an IPA and some fries at a seedy bar any day.

So, like any American, went home and ate a buttload of Chinese take out and watched Netflix with a locally brewed IPA.

General thoughts from the day:

These are thoughts I had today.

Regarding not smoking:

I have been a smoker for a long time. Several years. In case my mom sees this I won’t say how long so I don’t break her heart.

But it is very wrapped up in who I am and the person I believe myself to be. For as long as I can think of I have enjoyed cigarettes on my porch in the morning with coffee, made them my excuse to leave a room when I don’t want to be there, and generally looked like a badass because of them. I love smoking cigarettes. They are little magic sticks that can make anything better.

But I need to quit so I can live forever and save money. But I totally cheated today. Don’t tell anyone, okay? Thanks.

Regarding my neighbors:

They annoy the hell out of me. For some reason, no matter what time of day, there is always someone hammering something or drilling holes in the walls. I have no idea why. We have concrete walls. Surely they have realized by now it isn’t worth ruining a nail trying to hammer into concrete or repairing a concrete wall to hang a picture.

This is why 3M Strips were invented.

But I really like my neighbor Amy. She is cool. She is a single mom and is just generally awesome. I respect her a lot. She is kind and ‘outgoing and does everything for her daughter. It is pretty cool.

I cannot wait to move. Two friends and I are going to look at a house tomorrow. Keep your fingers crossed that it is cute and we get it!

Regarding my career:

Filming is fun. I am glad I am an artist. I get to see things in ways others don’t and my job is to make people laugh, cry, be offended, get angry, etc.

It is the best.


I am a quitter…

Today is August 1st, 2014 and today I decided to quit smoking.

I am home sick from work with a face mask on trying very hard to not think about the fact that this coffee would be so much better with a cigarette.


But I am not going to think about it any more. I have a lot to do despite my illness. Tonight, I am back on set filming the new web series “The Mother Load” and I could not be more excited! I am assistant directing and having a blast. It is a lot of email sending and watching the clock to make sure we are on schedule, but I am learning a lot.

On Set for "The Mother Load"


I have also been working on a web series called “Margo and the Universe”. They are both going to be awesome.

Well… I need to go remove my face mask and take a shower. Then head out on an hour and a half long drive with no cigarettes. Wish me luck!

Day Two and Three

I have been so busy I forgot to update!

Day Two: Love of your life

The goal of the day was to look at everyone and wonder if this person is your soul mate. I looked lovingly at my computer screen and really freaked out the guy at Chipotle. This task was a lot harder than I originally thought. I kept forgetting to stare lovingly at people.

Day Three: Throw away something you like

I’m gonna be honest. I didn’t do this yet. I will find something and let ya know.

I went to see Iggy Azalea last night and it was amazing!!

Blake, Christo, Natan, and Me waiting in line for Iggy!

Blake, Christo, Natan, and Me waiting in line for Iggy!

TI made an appearance

Iggy Azalea and TI


Iggy Azalea


Day One: Warm Up

Yesterday was Day One of 365 days of awesomeness. It was a warm up. After having this book for a year I have looked at page one a few times. I was ready. I did several of the lovely things it asked me to do.

Day One

Day One’s Warm Up Challenge

The Book

This Book Will Change Your Life by Benrik

  1. I did a press up!
  2. I danced my heart out in a private show.
  3. I actually wore shoes with laces and triple tied them. They were very hard to get out of. It was impractical.
  4. I jaywalked and honked at people who crossed legally. Double whammy.
  5. I thought about setting my clocks and fell asleep instead.
  6. I told a lie.
  7. I daydreamed myself a lovely little fantasy.
  8. I left work 35 minutes early. I’m an overachiever.
  9. I bookmarked several websites.
  10. My genitalia already has a name. Her name is Pandora.
  11. My second toe is definitely the prettiest. But my pinkie toes are the cuties.
  12. I yelled at several bees that flew in my direction and really let a spider have it.
  13. I just started an “Eat Clean for 14” challenge. I went on strike for several minutes.

I think that will suffice for now. On to day two!