Birthday Biking, Beers, and BBQ

Today is my birthday!

I paid some birthday bills and went for a glorious birthday bike ride today.

I am trying to transition into commuting entirely by bike. It is something I have wanted to do for a while. I finally bought a bike last month and it has been really hard. Atlanta is hilly and I am terrified of cars. I am not very good at riding a bike. I feel like I will get better.

But I am not very good at sticking with things when I am not immediately good at them.

I am working on my first birthday beer of the day. I’m allowed. It’s 5:02 PM. And we will pretend like I’m not halfway done with it.

Last night I went out with my family for dinner and drinks. It was nice. We went to Escorpion, one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. It was a good end to a badish day. I had all the cheese and so much steak.

I went house hunting yesterday with some friends. We are looking for a place to rent and be awesome. The first place, this cute two-story, rented an hour before the showing. The second place, down the street from the first, was hideous and disgusting inside. The current tenants have destroyed the house. There was dog pee everywhere and scratch marks on all the doors from the dogs, mold in the bathrooms, and was tiny. I hope the blue and pink haired gutter punks who loved it because Mastodon apparently lives down the street are happy there. But I am an adult who refuses to live in squalor, no matter what metal band is my neighbor.

But the birthday shot last night and my mezcal drink made everything better.

birthday shotTonight, I am going to Fox Brother’s BBQ with some of my best friends from college and then out to a bar for drinks with all my friends. I am excited about it. Mostly excited about the bbq. It is amazing. I cannot wait to have it in my mouth.

I told my friends the words “cheat”, “diet”, and “calorie” are banned at dinner. Censorship at it’s finest, my dears.

I really hate when people go out and all they talk about it how “bad” they are being for eating. I don’t like to think so food as a treat. Food is necessary for life and I really enjoy eating whatever I want. One day, my metabolism is going to give up and I will be the size of a house if I don’t start considering what I eat. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I’m lucky that I like vegetables, and c’mon even I decide to have a salad instead of fried chicken every now and then. But seriously, I hate when people feel bad about eating what they want. Like one brownie is really going to make you gain fifty pounds. I feel so awkward eating a million pounds of meat and fried things when all my friends order a salad with dressing on the side while they talk about how they need to “earn” dessert by running a million miles.

While we are on the topic, I hate the phrase “beach body”. I will just wear my one piece bathing suit while I eat a hot dog and a funnel cake, thanks.

Anyway, I am going to drink all the beers and eat all the fried okra tonight and I don’t give two fucks how many calories I am ingesting. It’s my birthday, dammit.


PS: I scattered some profanity in there towards the end. Got heated. Maybe I will slow down on this beer. Psssshhhh… Nevermind.